
Scientists Reinvent Candy By Eliminating Cavity Causing Bacteria

Everyone know eating candy will make you gain weight, catch diabetes 2 or putrefy your teeth.

Well a group of scientists have come up with an ideal solution for the candy dilemma. These wonderland conquerors belong to Berlin, they work for a biotech lab called ORGANOBALANCE. These megaminds have actually created candy that won’t give you cavities.

The guilty party for tooth decay is a bacterium called Mutans streptococci, which you release into your mouth as you chew. It attaches itself to your teeth, releasing acid, which damages your enamel. To fight mutans streptococci, the folks at ORGANOBALANCE tied their candy with other bacteria called Lactobacillus paracasei. This interesting little bacterium adds a harmless sugary coating that counters Mutans streptococci.


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