
How to set iPhone Camera LED to Flash on Incoming Calls and Alerts

In iphone, the camera LED flash light can be used as a signal for incoming calls, messages and other alerts. After enabling this feature whenever the call is incoming to your phone LED light will flash repeatedly telling you to attend the phone or do whatever you want to do with it. This feature works even when the phone is on silent mode gaining the user attention.

Following are the steps for enabling the LED Flash on incoming calls and alerts on iphone:

  1. First open the main menu and tap on the “Settings” icon
  2. Tap on the “Settings” app and then on “General”
  3. Select “Accessibility” and toggle the ON switch next to “LED Flash for Alerts”

This feature is very useful for those who use their phones on silent mode or having hearing problems. This feature is a trick in old jail breaking initially but now Apple has built this feature in the default system for iOS 5.

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