
Ever Thought About Sugar Tires?

We are hitting the desks with the Green technologies every where. The time was when people were not aware of recycling and Green technology but now the awareness is taking place at a considerable level. We are draining the natural resources and giving nothing to the planet we live in. From the past couple of years we have seen a serious wake up in industries focusing on to Green and environmental friendly technologies.

The production of tires and heavy usage of rubber has caused strained supplies and high prices of natural and synthetic rubber. More over do you know on a production of single tire about 7 gallons of oil is used and about 1 billion tires are manufactured around the world annually. That caused tire producing companies to think about the  economical and better solution as they needed to change their raw materials. So the two good leading tire makers Michelin and Goodyear with one of the biggest synthetic rubber producer Lanxess partnered with bi-technological industries to initiate the production of bio-based rubber from sugar.

We already know that this type of production in tires would take atleast 4 to 5 years to come to motorists. Its would be a big economical and planet saving step from the companies. Goodyear has already built some prototype tires built from sugar!

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