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Dirty Harry’s Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum |
Dirty Harry‘s gun is so powerful that loading it with .44 Magnums and firing it untrained would most likely break your shoulder, if not completely rip your arm off like it done got ‘naded. Though the Smith & Wesson Model 29 existed before the movie, Eastwood showed the world just how awesome this man’s pistol really is.

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8-Barrel Duck’s Foot Pistol |
Place this shot well enough, and you could kill eight dudes at once. Provided they are standing very still in a semi-circle. The old-timey duck’s foot pistol fired eight shots at once. After you shoot, you can fall back on the knife that comes out of one of the forward-facing barrels, or the spiked butt of the pistol.

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Palm Pistol |
Seriously, why do criminal jerks target old people? And then not only rob them, but often assault them? Butts. They best get ready for Revenge of the Elderly, though, as the Palm Pistol firearm is going to change the game. It’s a single-shot pistol that fires with the thumb–easy for even the most fragile senior. They’re taking pre-orders now, so get over there if your Meemaw’s got the need to pop a cap in her nursing home roommate’s wrinkly old hinder.

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Double Glock |
What’s more gangsta than a Glock turned sideways? How about two Glocks turned sideways? The Double Glock is basically that, with a scope between the two guns. Seriously, of all the machine pistols I would not want to face, this tops the list–not least due to the shooter’s baldhead/mustache combo.

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G.R.A.D. Knife Gun |
It’s a knife with a gun for a handle, which is immediately awesome–until you realize you’re more than likely not going to be able to handle such a weapon. Seriously, none of us have the coordination necessary not to shoot ourselves in the gut while stabbing a dude, or vice versa.

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Gyrojet |
The Gyrojet doesn’t look like much, but it’s basically a handheld mini rocket launcher. Feel bad for judging it by its size now? Yeah, it gets that a lot. Instead of relying on gunpowder, the Gyrojet is basically a vessel for independtly-powered rocket bullets–maybe you’ve seen it in You Only Live Twice? Yeah, that thing’s real! Hilariously, though, if someone pulls one of these on you, you can just stick your finger in the barrel to stop it–it needs time to build up significant speed.

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COP 357 Derringer |
Thought Bullestorm invented the four-barrel? Nope. They’ve been around at least as long as the COP .357 Derringer, a pocket blaster designed for off-duty cops who can handle firing four .357 Magnums. You might recognize the gun from Blade Runner, Battlestar Galactica, or Team Fortress 2 (where it’s known as Shortstop).

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Pocketwatch Gun |
The Pocketwatch Gun is perfect for the violent, dandy fop in your life who is currently launching his own Victorian answer to the Renaissance Faire (actually someone please make this). It’s a normal-looking pocketwatch that conceals a gun that fires, get this, .3 mm bullets. I would’ve suspected .03 mms at most. At least you have your own built-in catchphrase: fill in your own clever, violent response to “Do you know what time it is?”

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Stinger Pen Gun |
You can’t buy these anymore, but once upon a time you could actually own a sub-$300 pistol disguised as a simple pen. Unbelievably, they did still make this after 9/11. Took a few years for the gun police to catch up to this Bond-level technology (with Bond-level lady model), I guess.

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Nazi Belt Buckle Pistol |
Too bad this hidden belt-buckle pistol was only used by some Nazi officers, otherwise they could have all accidentally shot their own peeners off in a totally just and ironic accidental sterilization. Designed for use in the event of capture, the belt buckle contained two two-inch barrels that fired tiny bullets. Leave your best tiny Nazi privates joke in the comments below!

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Cell Phone Gun |
As soon as someone makes fun of you for having a crappy-ass phone, you can pull it apart and blast them in the face. On the reals, though, this gun-masquerading-as-cell-phone was discovered by the Italian government. A poor man’s Bond taking an econo-holiday in the countryside, perhaps?

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Gun Camera |
Now this is what I should’ve gotten for an L.A. Noire pre-order bonus. In the late 30s, somebody decided to rig a camera to a Colt .38 revolver that took a picture every time the trigger was pulled, capturing evidence of what your victim was doing at the time he or she got popped. This sounds like something the LAPD should be forcibly assigned to carry.