Highways are the basic necessity of modern Infra structure, no country can prosper without a properly networked highway. Sher Shah Suri a great muslim leader constructed the Grand Trunk Road in the early ages he had an eagle vision about the prosperity of his nation and thus provided the world with an awesome highway even when many of his generals opposed him that there is no need of such a humongous highway, but his foresight predicted that yes there will be a need of it indeed. Our ranking for the top ten freakiest highways start from number 10;
# 10 East Los Angeles Interchange, United States
The East Los Angeles exchange multifaceted is the busiest expressway exchange in the world. At the time of its edifice in the near beginning of 1960s it was considered a civil engineering wonder. It is located about one mile east of downtown Los Angeles, California along the east bank of the Los Angeles River. The exchange is composed of six lanes/ expressway divisions. Even though also called such by inhabitants and other journalists, the expressway junction was often called “Malfunction Junction” by former KNX Traffic reporter Bill Keene, due to its complex exchange arrangement.

# 9 Hanshin Expressway/Gate Tower Building, Japan
The huge thoroughfare is part of the Hanshin Expressway, a network of expressways surrounding Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, Japan having a length of 239.3 kilometers. The Gate Tower Building is Japan’s first construction to have an artery pass through it. And it had been pet named “beehive” referring to its manifestation as a “bustling place”. The Umeda Exit of the Ikeda way of the Hanshin superhighway system passes through this building. The arterial highway is the occupant of these floors.

# 8 Bealach na Bà, Scotland
The Thoroughfare Bealach na Bà is a rough rendition anyway. This road is a customary route for those who travel from the Western Isles to the markets in the Central Belt. The lane is one of few in the Scottish Highlands that is engineered similarly to lanes through the huge mountain passes in the Alps, with very tight hairpin bends that switch back and forth up the hillside and gradients that move toward 20%. It boasts the maximum ascent of any road climb in the UK, rising from sea level at Applecross to 626 metres (2,054 ft), and is the third peak road in Scotland.

# 7 James Dalton Highway, United States
Dalton Highway also known as the Haul road which is 414 miles gravel made road. The Dalton Expressway crosses the north through the hilly wood lands of the center, then trails the heart divergence of the Dietrich River into the Brooks Range and passes from the Alaska’s Far North over 4,739 feet Atigun Pass. Subsequently the valley of the Sagavanirktok (Sag) River, the road drops regularly downwards of the North Slope from end to end tundra lands, low hills, and some canyon formations to the oilfields.

# 6 Stelvio Pass Road Trollstigen, Italy
Stelvio pass road Trollstigen, situated in Italy. The total length of a zig zag path, assuming the shape of a brain wave is approximately 2770 meters. The highest cemented mountain circumvent in the Eastern Alps and the second peak in the Alps, following the Col de l’Iseran, that’s astonishing road connects the Valtellina with the higher Adige valley and Merano and also It is situated in Italian Alps in nearby Bormio and Sulden, 75 km from Bolzano, is too close to Swiss border.

# 5 Trollstigen (The Troll Ladder), Norway
Trollstigen is one of the most impressive roads in Norway and also one of the most admired places to stopover for tourists. The meaning of the name Trollstigen is “The Trolls Ladder”. It is an important route between Sunnmøre and Romsdal. In old days there was only a slender and steep path where public and horses could come through with immense danger. This short stop at the mountain foot gives a gorgeous view of what is pending.

# 4 Grand Trunk Road, India (GT Road)
Grand Trunk Road was built by Sher Shah Suri during his reign; the main purpose of this GT Road was was to connect Agra the capitan of India with Sasaram his hometown. It was soon extended to westwards Multan and eastwards Bengal. The GT Road is still the legacy of his great dynasty. Geography has intended the GT Road to play a function in the past of India in every age. Since the Aryan assault of the subcontinent and the Thar Desert onto the Gangetic plain, has served as a passage for the association of voyagers, goods, armies, and ideas. Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism all developed in its vicinity, and Muslim proselytizers traveled it on their missions.

# 3 North Yungas “Death Road”, Bolivia
The Road North Yungas also known as The Death Road, as it is obvious from the name the road is famous for the accidents and mishaps. Each year the road claims 200 to 300 lives. The road of death is 43 miles long that lead from La Paz to Coroico. The road is called “world’s most dangerous road” in the year 1995 by the IAD bank (Inter American Development). In the year 2006 the necessary arrangements were observed to ensure safety measures.

# 2 Skipper’s Road, New Zealand
Skipper’s Road is another most dangerous stretch of road constructed onto the mountainside. The thoroughfare was built for the period of the gold rush, when an unstable pathway was the only entrance to Skippers Township and the Upper Shotover diggings. The Construction completed in between 1883 and 1890, it was considered one of the marvels of civil engineering.

# 1 The Lena Highway (Highway from Hell), Russia
The Lena Highway also known as the “Highway from Hell.” The Russian Federal thoroughfare runs from Moscow city to the Siberian city of Yakutsk. The last 600 – 700 miles is called the “Lena Highway”. This peculiar road runs corresponding to the Lena stream on the last leg to Yakutsk. In the summer time the Highway turns completely to mud whenever it rains, which makes things very messy and muddled. Many have considered Lena Highway as the worst Highway in the world. The life gets stuck in the mud during rain; none gets killed but immensely aggravated from the scene.