
Stupid to Arrest Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.?

President Barack Obama’s comment last week that Cambridge, MA, police “acted stupidly” when arresting Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates started a media firestorm that mostly missed an important First Amendment free speech issue as I show in this video. Included in this video is a PUBLIC DOMAIN clip from Pres. Barack Obama’s July 22, 2009, press conference which is available in full at There are also clips of Dave Briggs and Alisyn Camerota on Fox News’ program “Fox and Friends Saturday” broadcast on July 25, 2009 (which Ihave not been able to find online). I also use clips of Paul Krugman and Donna Brazile appearing on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopolous ” airing on July 26. 2009 that come from a larger discussion you can see on ABC’s website at In addition, the clip of Prof. Michael Eric Dyson comes from CBS’ “Face the Nation,” also broadcast on July 26, 2009, that is part of the larger discussion you can see on the CBS website at You can find the full text of the Massachusetts court decision I quote in my video at And, finally, as always, you can find DOZENS and DOZENS more examples of Fox News bias on my Fox News bias playlist on YouTube at

Note: This is a user submitted video under “User Submitted” Category. Although the submitted content is moderated, RealityPod does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided in posts of this particular category.

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