Some times we need to collect our common sense and a little taste of knowledge gained back at some time in life, it may not only help us sorting different things but also makes us sharp and giving us an edge of smartness in the society. Some tips and tricks we found worthy to be shared, take a look at them
Sharpen Your Scissor:
Some times you need to sharpen your scissor as it don’t cut the way it should. So there are two techniques to do it.
- Use Aluminium
Find some good size aluminium sheet fold it a few time to make it a bit thick. Now start cutting this folded sheet with the scissor. It will sharpen the blade of your scissor with every cut.
- Use Sandpaper
Using sand paper is another option, a fine 150 or 200 grit sandpaper would do the job. Now cut the rough side down to sharpen the blades.
Increase Life of your Razor:
Just woke up from bed and want to get ready for party? No new razor! again that rough shave? Don’t panic, here is some useful tip. Lie down your jeans (preferably the one you are not using for the party) lie down the jeans on a stiff rough floor, grab you razor and run it upwards the pants leg for 10 to 15 times. Now do the same exercise for 10 to 15 times running razor downwards. Keep some pressure on the blade but not that much as you could cut the fibre of the jeans or damage the blade. Now this exercise would actually fix the tiny bends in your blade and even it would sharpen the blades as well. 50 to 100 swipes make your razor good as new. Try it!
Make Your Teeth Whiter:
Rather using any commercial teeth whitener which carries bleach in it and damage your gums and teeth as well, use the baking soda. All you need is a small amount of baking soda and a little amount of water. The stains on teeth caused by the tea, coffee, wine or any thing that left pretty bad scars on your teeth will be wiped with this baking soda. The chemical name of baking soda is sodium bi carbonate which actually breaks the complex bond of the stains on your teeth and cleans the teeth giving them a proper shine. Add few drops of water in a little amount of baking soda and apply it on your brush, then brush your teeth and leave for 4 to 5 minutes, than brush again and rinse with clean water. You will considerably feel whiting in your teeth. Do not use the baking soda regularly as excessive use decays the enamel.
Escaping Quicksand:
Crossing a forest or a jungle and found yourself stuck in a quicksand! Don’t panic there are still chances of your getting out from there. First of all you need to relax your self as any unnecessary movement will cause you sink in that sand more quickly. Remove any loaded item for example a bag or something your are wearing and you feel its adding the load. Now the next step would sound crazy but this is the only way to escape your death. Lie down on the sand as you are swimming in a deep river. Make very slow movements of your hands to reach near bank of the quicksand. Remember to make very slow movements since its not actually the sea, as your fast movement would just mere decrease your buoyancy and you will make things worst for you. And yeah feel free to shout if you don’t want to die!
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