
How to automatically Check Spelling in Mac OS X Mail?

Whenever we write any content, software like Microsoft Office automatically checks the spellings as we type. The same happens when we compose email. Sometimes it irritates and diverts the attention from the original content. So the better option is to have the spell check after the mail is composed. This option is fairly easy to set in Mac OS X Mail.


Follow the given steps to check spelling in Mac OS X mail after the mail is composed.

  • Open the Mac OS X system’s mail
  • Click on the Preferences and select the Composing tab to change the settings.
  • The Composing window will display many options to you, such as Message Format and Check Spelling. In Check Spelling you will further have three options i.e. as I type, When I click Send, and Never. To check spelling after finalizing the mail, select the option of When I click Send.

With this option, now spell check will not be performed unless you will click on send button.

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