
10 Hilarious Responses To Computer Ordeals We’ve All Experienced

Most if not all of us will say that the computer and the internet are two of the most greatest inventions ever to date. Undoubtedly, technology has changed the world in such a tremendous way and we can agree on that as now everyone has a voice thanks to these technologies. However, every man-made thing will have its flaw. As for computers and the internet, every person that has ever taken advantage of them would have definitely been left hanging at some point. Whether it’s poor wireless connection even though you are sitting right by the modem or it’s those stupid pop-up ads that made you 5 minutes late to submit and important email that carried a deadline, we just can’t stop loving technology and all some of us are left to do is to just joke about it.

Here are 10 hilarious responses people have shared on the internet of computer issues they’ve had. I promise you will be in tears if you can relate to them like I did.

1. Becoming hooked when we should be asleep


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